Stop Ecocide International is the expert advisory organisation at the heart of the development of ecocide law.
We also track, report on and amplify this legal initiative, which is rapidly being taken up by lawmakers around the world.
We work toward recognition of the most severe, and widespread/long-term environmental harms as international crimes. Our charitable Foundation commissioned the drafting of the Independent Expert Panel definition of ecocide published in 2021.
We provide expert advice on ecocide law, its rationale, implications and progress at diplomatic and government level in multiple jurisdictions. We particularly focus on developments at the International Criminal Court through official side events and collaborations with interested states.
With 15 years of experience in this space, and with teams and associate groups in 50+ countries, we work with diplomats, politicians, lawyers, corporate leaders, NGOs, indigenous and faith groups, influencers, academics, grassroots campaigns and many more.
We connect and convene, organise and participate in relevant fora from UN COPs to industry conferences and civil society events, panels, podcasts, documentaries and conversations across multiple media. We build networks of special interest groups around ecocide law and provide resources for those wanting to engage.
SEI contributions at key global events
Official ASP 2023 Side Event
Official COP28 Side Event
2023 Arctic Circle Assembly
UN 2023 Water Conference
DAVOS 2023
COP15 Montréal
For high level/diplomatic requests, coordination - or for further information - please contact